Main >> Spectrometry >> QUADRO
The spectrometer QUADRO is intended for study the energy distribution of gamma rays and beta particles and also measuring the activity of gamma-, beta- and alpha-emitting radionuclides in environmental samples and process medium. The spectrometer used for measuring the activity of natural (Naturally-Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) - Ra-226, Rn-222, Th-232, K-40) and artificial radionuclides (Cs-137, Sr-90, Cs-134, Co-60, I-131, Ru-106, radio-pharmaceuticals and etc.) in materials with density from 0,1 to 2,0 g/ml, and in metals.
Spectrometer QUADRO
Gamma -, beta - and alpha - spectrometer and radiometer

The operation principle of spectrometers is based on the registration of gamma-quanta, beta or alpha particles emitted by radionuclides contained in the samples by an appropriate type of detector, which outputs an electrical impulse with amplitude, which is proportional to the energy of the detected gamma-quantum, beta or alpha particles.
Complete set
- multichannel analyzer (BINOM, MCA-527, MD254), up to 3 tracts;
- scintillation gamma-ray detectors based on crystal NaI(Tl) : BDEG-51-51, BDEG-63-63, BDEG-76-76, BDEG-150-100;
- scintillation gamma-ray detectors based on crystal LaBr3(Ce) : BDEG-25-25LB, BDEG-38-38LB, BDEG-51-51LB, BDEG-63-63LB;
- scintillation gamma-ray detectors based on crystal CeBr3 : BDEG-25-25CB, BDEG-38-38CB, BDEG-51-51CB, BDEG-63-63CB;
- scintillation spectrometric beta-ray detectors: BDEB-60-10, BDEB-70-10;
- scintillation radiometric beta-ray detectors: BDEB-60-1, BDEB-70-1;
- scintillation radiometric alpha-ray detectors: BDA-60-1, BDA-70-1;
- power supply adapter;
- low-background passive shields for gamma-, beta- and alpha - detectors;
- software for spectrometric analysis ASW2;
- user manual, passport, calibration certificate;
- samples for adjustment (optionally);
- computer.
The energy range of measuring distribution of gamma radiation : 40 to 3000 keV
The energy range of measuring distribution of beta radiation : 65 to 4000 keV
The energy range of measuring distribution of beta radiation : 2000 to 10000 keV
The relative energy resolution of the spectrometer with detectors:
- BDEG-63-63 and BDEG-76-76 for the line 661.7 keV of radionuclide Cs-137 : not more 7.5 and 8%
- BDEG-51-51LB and BDEG-63-63LB for the line 661.7 keV of radionuclide Cs-137 : not more 3.5%
- BDEG-51-51CB and BDEG-63-63CB for the line 661.7 keV of radionuclide Cs-137 : not more 4%
The relative energy resolution of the spectrometer with beta
detectors for the conversion electron line of radionuclide Cs-137 of 624 keV : not more 15%
The integral nonlinearity of the spectrometer QUADRO with gamma detectors
in the energy range of 40 to 3000 keV : ±1.0%
The integral nonlinearity of the spectrometer QUADRO with beta detectors
in the energy range of 65 to 4000 keV : ±2.0%
LED stabilization or embedded Am-241 stabilization system Available
The detection efficiency of the spectrometer QUADRO with detector BDEG-63-63
in the full energy peak 661.7 keV of radionuclide Cs-137 at 50 mm
from the upper surface of the detector : not less than 1.2%
The detection efficiency of the spectrometer with detector BDEG-76-76
in the full energy peak 661.7 keV of radionuclide Cs-137 at 50 mm
from the upper surface of the detector : not less than 2%
The measuring range of activity for Cs-137 for detector BDEG-63-63 : 5 Bq - 1 MBq, (U=10%, k=2) The measuring range of activity for Cs-137 for detectors BDEG-76-76: 3 Bq - 1MBq, (U=10%, k=2)
The measuring range of activity for Cs-137 for detectors BDEG-150-100: 2 Bq - 1 MBq, (U=10%, k=2)
The measuring range can be extended in case of sample concentrating or impoverishment.

Software for spectrometric analysis

Low-background passive shields for gamma - detectors

Low-background passive shields for gamma - detectors

Dimensions of lead shields for gamma - detectors

Gamma detector

Beta detector

Low-background passive shields for beta - detectors

Marinelli beaker 1L and cuvette 38ml