Main >> Spectrometry >> Temporal δ Compton camera
Temporal δ
Compton gamma camera
Temporal δ is a compact portable Compton gamma camera - spectrometer and imager based on completely new detection concept and technology (9 patents). It is intended to detect and 2D/3D visualize point and surface-distributed sources of gamma radiation.

A Compton camera makes an image of gamma rays by using Compton scattering. This process requires a high probability of Compton scattering, hence it takes a gamma quanta with energy about of the electron rest mass (511 keV). It works best above 300 keV. The performance of this type of imaging improves with higher energy in the range 300 - 2000 keV.

Waste management

ATLAS software

Point source on surface
Camera has large volume CeBr3 crystals which known for their very low natural radioactivity and ability to generate very fast scintillations. The crystals are monolithic and guarantee a very homogeneous response. Their ability to absorb gamma radiation is very high (Z=58, ρ=5.1 g/cm3), thus allowing a very effective detection - 50% more photons are captured with Temporal δ for the same period of time.
In imaging Temporal δ has the best performance in the energy range from 300 keV to 3 MeV. The camera has an optical field of view of 100° x 90° and the gamma image can be precisely overlaid on the visible image taken by a built-in optical camera. The gamma sources can be detected even outside the field of view.
Temporal δ can image complex situations with several sources of the same or different nature. The electronic collimation available as option, it allows to hide strong sources and keep on the image the weak ones. So, good images of weak sources can be done even if they are located close with strong sorces or in place of high radiation background.
Technical and metrological characteristics
CeBr3 and CZT
Energy range
50 keV – 3 MeV (spectroscopy, for Temporal V3, V4, β)
50 keV – 3 MeV (imaging, for Temporal V4)
300 keV – 3 MeV (imaging)
Energy resolution
<1,5% at 661.7 keV (for Temporal δ V3, V4, β)
<7% at 661.7 keV (for Temporal δ V2)
Field of view
90° x 90° flat field
Angular resolution
<10° (full spectrum)
<6° (energy gated)
Sensitivity low flux
900 Bq of Co-60 on 1sq.m on distance 1m during 90min
Sensitivity high flux
3mR/h < 1 mm
Timing resolution
300 ps at 511 keV
Count-rate limit
1 mSv/h
6-10 mSv/h with special set-up
Operating temperature
-20°C to +50°C
Battery Life
4 hours (external battery 1.2 kg)
Ethernet, Wi-Fi
230 x 290 x 160 mm
4.5 kg
Protection class
Decision thresholds
Activity, MBq
Duration, s
The table presents information about the time needed for the Temporal Monocular camera to detect (to create an image) of a point source (50 photon events on the central pixel) at 0,5m.
● The best spatial resolution on the market (6-8° depending on energy) in Compton mode
● Light weight gamma camera - spectrometer and imager
● Effective photons detection (50% more than other cameras)
● Real-time spectrometry and isotope identification
● Precision overlay of gamma and optical images
● Discrimination background
● Dose estimation
● Telemeter distance ranging with laser pointer
● Easy decontamination (IP65)
At the moment the following modifications of the camera are available for order:
Temporal δ V2
The V2 is excellent for gamma-imaging, but is not very good for isotopes characterization – the energy resolution of the CeBr3 is about 7%, which will not be sufficient for good identification of all the radionuclides. So, it can be used in applications where the isotopes are rather well known.
Temporal δ V3
The Temporal δ V3 uses the same base, therefore, the same features. But the energy resolution is improves to <1,5% at 661.7 keV with the addition of the CZT-module. This module is used for isotope characterization only, not for imaging! The body and the casing of the camera are the same.
Temporal δ V4
The Temporal δ V4 is the based on the V3, a coded mask module is added to allow imaging from 50 keV to 300 keV. The particularity of design this camera is that another CeBr3 is added for the imaging at low energies with the coded mask. So, two independent images are created – one for low and one for high(er) energies. They are overlapped on the final image, so the user do
not see the images are related separately.
Temporal β
The Temporal β has the different concept – it uses the same basic modules (like V2), but coded mask is not installed on this camera, so the energy range will be 300 keV to 3 MeV. The idea with this camera is to make 3D imaging directly (3D imaging is possible with the V2 and V3 too), but it has to take images from X-Y-Z axes and make the 3D image with post treatment. It can detect and image sources and determine whether they are in a wall, before, or behind it.
In order to try to use, test and understand how it works it is possible to take cameras for rental.