Portable multifunction scintillation gamma spectrometer - radiometer UDES-01TE is created to measure:
- ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation.
- specific activity of Cs-134 and Cs-137 radionuclides in soils and grounds;
- specific activity of Cs-137, Cs-134, I-131 radionuclides in water, food products, forestry products, liquid radioactive waste and other;
- content of natural radionuclides K-40, Ra-226, Th-232.
In situ measurements are made for 2π and 4π geometries without preliminary sampling with GPS reference.
Operating principle
Detection unit of spectrometer UDES-01TE in a dust-and-moisture-proof container registers gamma radiation of controlled radionuclides.Detection unit sends spectrometric data to Tablet PC by wireless communication channel for displaying on screen and calculated results.
Instrumental spectra processing algorithm in Tablet PC software is capable to display radioisotope composition data as specific or surface activity of certain radionuclides or their concentration, specific effective activity of natural radionuclides.
Ambient gamma radiation dose equivalent rate value in inspection point is determined by instrument spectrum.

Detection unit

Detection unit handling

Spectrometer with tripod
- spectrometer - radiometer UDES-01TE;
- cables;
- power supply adapter;
- analytical software ASW2;
- Tablet PC (Windows) or PC;
- tripod;
- transport plastic case.
Technical and metrological characteristics
Detector type
Scintillation NaI(Tl) Ø25x40 or Ø40x40 mm
Energy range
50 keV – 3 MeV
Measurement ranges (2π geometry)
- Surface activity of Cs-134 and Cs-137
- Specific activity of Cs-134 and Cs-137 by in situ method
- Specific effective activity of K-40, Ra-226, Th-232
4 – 3700 kBq/sq.m (0.1 – 100 Ci/sq.km)
0.1 – 10 kBq/kg
0.05 – 1000 kBq/kg
Measurement ranges (4π geometry)
- Surface activity of Cs-134 and Cs-137
- Specific activity of I-131
- Specific effective activity of K-40, Ra-226, Th-232
0.05 – 1000 kBq/kg
0.03 – 1000 kBq/kg
0.05 – 1000 kBq/kg
Typical relative energy resolution at 661.7 keV from Cs-137
< 8%
Measurement range of ambient dose equivalent rate
0.03 – 130 µSv/h
The maximum throughput, cps
Integral nonlinearity
±1 %
Protection class
Working temperature range
Overall dimensions, weight
Ø100x320 mm, 1 kg, 10'' (Tablet PC)
Internal battery run time
≥9 h
Number of ADC channels
PC Interface
BlueTooth, RS-485 (cable 10m-100m)