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Software for spectrometric analysis by liquid scintillation spectrometers


The software SpectraDec is intended to work with liquid scintillation (LS) spectrometers of all models in particular the TRIEL, Tri-Carb, Guardian, Quantulus and etc.
The software SpectraDec is used for processing of results from LS spectrometers, for calculate activity, and also for increasing  the informativeness, reliability and efficiency of measurements of  the new and existing equipment of laboratories.


Main tasks

In radioecological investigation:

 - Monitoring of natural (isotopes of Ra, Rn, U, Th, Pb-210, Po-210,) and technogenic (H-3, Sr-90, Pu-241) radionuclides in environmental objects at background levels (can include the  radiochemical preparation of samples);

 - Express analysis (the "screening" method without radiochemical preparation) of various radionuclides in environmental objects in the process of monitoring of the emissions and discharges of non-nuclear enterprises - coal, oil, gas, thermal power stations;

 - Monitoring  of technogenic radionuclides in emissions and discharges of nuclear cycle enterprises (H-3, Kr-85, Sr-89, Sr-90, Tc-99, I-129, U-234, U-238, Pu-241), can include the  radiochemical preparation of samples;

 - Quality inspection of isotope products.

In radiation hygiene and medicine:

 - Radiation monitoring of sources of drinking water for the purpose of determining the concentration of alpha and beta emitters;

 - Precise analysis of radon and thoron content in indoor air;

 - Control of radioisotope tracers in medical and biological research.


The software SpectraDec is based on the principle of modeling (deconvolution) the hardware spectrum of the analyzed sample using the spectra of individual radionuclides from a pre-created library of energy spectra and taking into account the "quenching" of the measured sample by minimizing the deviation of the model spectrum from the real one. A library of energy spectra is created by measuring a series of reference samples with various quenches, consisting of sample solutions of individual radionuclides and a scintillation cocktail.

The software SpectraDec allows to analyze quickly the complex spectra in an automatic mode, including spectra with low statistics and a high level of superposition of the spectra of the individual radionuclides.

As a result of using the software SpectraDec, the possibility of α-β-spectrometry was added to the merits of the LS measurements.

It allowed:
  - to increase the efficiency and reliability of obtaining information about radionuclide composition of the analyzed objects;
  - to minimize labor costs when preparing a samples;
  - to expand the range of the determined radionuclides.

An important feature of SpectraDec is the visualization of the result of processing, which make it possible to assess visually the quality of the analysis.

To date, the LS-method can measure more than 70 radionuclides:

tritium, C-14, Na-22, P-32, P-33, S-35, Cl-36, K-40, Ca-45, Mn-54, Fe-55, Co-57, Co-60, Ni-63, Zn-65, Kr-85, Sr-85, Y-88, Sr-89, Sr-90, Y-90, Tc-95, Tc-99, Pd-102+Rh-103m, Ru-106+Rh-106, Sb-125+Te-125, I-125, I-131, Ba-133, Cs-134, Cs-137, Pm-143, Ce-144+Pr-144, Pm-147, Sm-147, Gd-148, Eu-152, Eu-154, Pb-210, Bi-210, Po-210, Rn-222, U-238+daught, Ra-224+daught, Ra-226, Ra-226+daught, Ra-228+Ac-228, Th-230, Th-232+Th-228,  Th-232+ daught, U-232,  U-233, U-234, U-235, U-236, Pu-236, Pu-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-241, Pu-242, Np-237+Pa-233, Am-241, Am-243, Am-243+Np-239, Cm-244 ….

The SpectraDec has been repeatedly tested in the international intercomparisons with the participation of the IAEA.

In addition, in the framework of providing the software SpectraDec to customers, the company TALS Oy organizes calibrations for liquid scintillation spectrometers.

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