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The high-sensitivity spectrometer TRIEL is intended for measuring the energy distribution of beta and alpha radiation, the activity of beta and alpha-emitting radionuclides (for example, H-3, C-14, Sr-90, Cs-137, P-32, Am-241, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-241, Pu-242, etc.) and their mixtures in counting samples, as well as the specific and volumetric activity in water and solid samples (tap water, artesian well water, seawater, water from open water bodies, mineral and drinking waters, packaged in containers, waters of various categories, sediments, process waters, waste water, soil, bottom sediments, construction materials, reagents

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Liquid scintillation spectrometer TRIEL ®
Beta - and alpha - spectrometer and radiometer

Liquid scintillation counter

Liquid scintillation spectrometer TRIEL

and equipment used for water purification and water treatment, vegetation, food products, air filters, etc.), selected from natural and technological objects assuming a known composition of alpha and beta-emitting radionuclides.

The spectrometer can also be used for measuring radon in the air when equipped with special charcoal detectors such as PicoRAD.

Special Features

• The liquid scintillation counter TRIEL is a spectrometer with spectrometric software. Therefore, it allows you to obtain the result without carrying out complex radiochemical separation of each isotope from the mixture. This type of analysis is express, and in the vast majority of cases it reduces time, labor efforts and cost of measurement.

• Compact dimensions, low power consumption (<5W) and various types of interface (USB, RS-485/232, BlueTooth, WiFi) make it possible to use this portable spectrometer in mobile laboratories.

• The software ASW3L allows you to build a multi-tract system of many devices and control them simultaneously.

Technical and metrological characteristics

The spectrometer provides a measurement of the energy distribution of
- beta radiation :
- alpha radiation:

1 – 4000 keV
2 - 10 MeV

Background count rate in tritium energy range:

0.5 cps (with an additional set of lead elements)

Range of measured activity of the beta- and alpha emitting radionuclides (U=50%, k=2):

0.02 Bq – 50kBq

Sensitivity for beta radiation of radionuclide
H-3 more than:
C-14 more than:
Sr-90+Y-90 more than:


The maximum throughput:

50 kcps

The instability measurements activity within 24 hours of continuous operation is no more than:


Count of channels:

1024, 2048, 4096

PC interface:

USB, RS485, BlueTooth, Wi-Fi

Power supply:

110 – 240V, 50-60Hz

Dimensions (WxHxL):

223 x 218 x 473 mm

Operation temperature range :

+10 .. +40 °C

Relative humidity:


Power consumption:

< 5 W


45kg (standard version)
65kg (with an additional set of lead elements)

The device complies with the requirements of the CE marking for:

Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive (2014/30/EU),
Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU)

List of radionuclides available for measurement:
H-3, C-14, Na-22, P-32, P-33, S-35, Cl-36, K-40, Ca-45, Mn-54, Fe-55, Co-57, Co-60, Ni-63, Zn-65, Kr-85, Sr-85, Y-88, Sr-89, Sr-90, Y-90, Tc-95, Tc-99, Pd-102 + Rh-103m, Ru-106+Rh-106, Sb-125+Te-125, I-125, I-131, Ba-133, Cs-134, Cs-137, Pm-143, Ce-144+Pr-144, Pm-147, Sm-147, Gd-148, Eu-152, Eu-154, Pb-210, Bi-210, Po-210, Rn-222, U-238, Ra-224, Ra-226, Ra-226, Ra-228+Ac-228, Th-230, Th-232+Th-228,  Th-232, U-232,  U-233, U-234, U-235, U-236, Pu-236, Pu-237, Pu-238, Pu-239, Pu-241, Pu-242, Np-237+Pa-233, Am-241, Am-243, Am-243+ Np-239, Cm-244 and other.


- spectrometer - radiometer TRIEL;
- set of vials 20ml;
- liquid scintillator;

- cables;

- analytical software for liquid scintillation analysis ASW3L and SpectraDec;

- additional set of lead elements (optionally);

- Tablet PC (Windows) or PC;

- transport plastic case.


L - Additional set of lead elements inside the device.

B - Built-in battery providing up to 24 hours of autonomous operation.

W - Ability to control the device via wireless interfaces Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.


Liquid Scintillation Spectrometer (Liquid scintillation counter) TRIEL is a device for counting of pulses arising from the interaction of alpha and beta particles with a liquid scintillator. The amplitude of the detected pulses is proportional to the energy of the particles that caused them, the pulse count rate is proportional to the activity of the measured counting sample.

The spectrometer consists of a light collection chamber with two PMT operating in the coincidence circuit and an electronic tract, including a high-voltage unit, a preamplifier, an amplifier, a multi-channel analyser, which measures the amplitudes of the pulse signals from the PMT and registers the received digital code in the buffer memory and further transfers information to the computer via USB or RS-485 interface (or wireless interface).

The principle of operation of spectrometer is based on the complete absorption of the energy of charged particles in a liquid scintillator, the emission of this energy in the form of a light flash, the conversion of the flash energy into an electrical pulse and the registration of these pulses using two PMTs. The analog signals from each PMT after amplification and formation go to coincidence circuit for selection during the resolving time. The signal from the output of the coincidence system goes to the input of the MCA in which it is converted into a digital code proportional to the absorbed energy. The resulting codes are accumulated in the computer's memory and form a spectrum of radiation energies.

The software allows you to control the operation of the spectrometer, process spectra, and also identify radionuclides and calculate the activity in the counting samples. The processed results and spectra can be stored as files on computer storage devices or presented as reports. The software ASW3L and SpectraDec have embedded various methods of define the quenching levels.

To solve some radiochemical tasks of identifying and measuring the activity of radionuclides in samples it is possible to use measurement methods that should take into account the level of conformity of the counting and reference samples, the output coefficients during radiochemical concentration, and other relevant additional contributions to the error in determining the activities of radionuclides.

Within the framework of using the the existing measurement methodology by spectrometer TRIEL, the following types of samples can be analyzed: water samples (without radiochemical preparation for express analysis and with radiochemical preparation), solid samples (soil, sediments, bottom deposits), vegetation samples, air filters, food products, and other.

TALS OY   Finland  Helsinki Satamakatu 2, 00160

Radiation equipment, radiometers,

liquid scintillation counters.
Metrology of ionizing radiation.

Engineering and software for

spectrometric analysis.

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