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e-UWBP. Electronic universal whole body phantom 
Spectrometric software

Electronic Universal Whole Body Phantom e-UWBP is a state-of-the-art computational solution for use with the MCC-MT software. This is a project file of the MCP format that allows modeling the spatial-energy spectrum of radiation from the simulated UWBP phantom in the MCC-MT software in order to transfer the unit of radionuclide activity to the whole body spectrometer by calibrating it.



As with any phantom (universal or anthropomorphic organotropic), the result of its use is a spectrum corresponding to a certain incorporated activity of the phantom. This spectrum is calculated as a response from the used detection system (whole body spectrometer - WBS). The set of calculated spectra is the basis for generating standard efficiency calibration files (efficiency curves) and can be used in any spectrometric software.

One project file contains one simulated body of a person (for example, an adult, a teenager, a child) in a sitting, lying, bending, etc. This project file is added to the project file of the detecting system (WBC) in the MCC-MT software and it is placed in accordance with the actual required geometry of the measurement task. For example, whole body measurement, or lung measurement, or thyroid measurement, etc.

Users in the process of forming the measurement configuration can correct the positions of the electronic phantom and set up various measurement modes (for example, to sum the spectra for cases of multi-detector WBC's, if it is necessary).

Also the MCC-MT software, using built-in software tools, allows you to create efficiency curves in automatic mode for the entire range of gamma radiation energies used in radiology (1 keV - 10 MeV).


The main advantage of the e-UWBP phantom is that there is no need to deal with real radioactive sources when calibrating spectrometers.

Also there is no need to deal with the formation of various positions and physiques of the phantom often having a fairly large mass (up to 110 kg for the F-6 type).

To replace a set of sources with a radionuclide from one to another, it is not necessary to disassemble the phantom to remove and replace all the rods. Changing a radionuclide in the MСС-MT software is done literally by pressing a couple of mouse buttons.

Also, many years of experience in using the MCC-MT software confirms the consistently high level of calibration accuracy of whole body spectrometers when using projects with a verified detecting system.

The use of e-UWBP eliminates operator error during calibration, which can occur when using a real phantom due to possible inaccuracy in the formation and positioning of the phantom relative to the detector, the lack of one or more phantom blocks, or various types of spectrometer instability and etc.

The application of e-UWBP provides additional opportunities for the development and optimization of spectrometric equipment and helps manufacturers determine the most effective measurement geometries and modes.

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